This training focuses on a variety of functional movements completed at high intensity. Reflecting aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, rowing, running and so much more, intensity is very much the key.The more exercise you are able to complete in a shorter time frame, the more intense the effort you put in. As a result, over time the combination of these functional movements and the high intensity will lead to significant fitness gains.
You’ll quickly notice the teamwork and community feel that is established when you get involved with a CrossFit class. Camaraderie, togetherness and motivation occur naturally in our classes whilst healthy competition spurs every member on to perform to the best of their ability. Data is vital in order to track performance, we use Wodify to do this and record your progress – in the Gym, Online and on your phones App. Expect to see screens and running clocks and more in order to precisely track results and clearly identify targets to beat in the future.